Our solutions find application principally at refuse disposal sites and in plants where reclamation works are necessary for protecting the environment, or where it is possible to exploit the biogas generated as a renewable resource.
We build plants designed to guarantee the aspiration and combustion of the biogas generated by solid urban waste disposal sites. The size and complexity of the plants depends on the specific need; we produce small-sized plants preassembled on a metal frame – from 100 to 1,000 Nm3/h, up to the production of plants for significant biogas flow-rates of up to 10,000 Nm3/h.

For situations where biogas is available for exploitation in electricity production, we create plants whose design and construction phases include all the equipment necessary to guarantee the gas pressure up to its point of use. We have built installations for the production of electricity to power small-sized motors with 350 kW motors, and plants fuelling as many as 21 1.4 MW motors.

We design and completely produce all combustion systems, with specifically appropriate characteristics for the individual situation; emergency flares, elevated flares, high temperature flares from 100 to 5,000 Nm3/h that guarantee a higher than 99% combustion efficiency.

In order to use biogas for electricity production, dehumidification treatment must always be provided to remove the moisture content. Considering the volume of pollutants present in the mixture, it is also advisable, in many cases, to insert specific filters containing activated carbon in the process.

In addition to designing and building plants from scratch, we upgrade existing plants, both as regards the installed apparatus (blowers, valves, burners…), and for the electric control panels, the SCADA systems and the panels for the analysis of the biogas and combustion fumes from the burners. Upgrading can consist of extraordinary maintenance works and the substitution of apparatus and instrumentation, up to the extension of the plant by installing new equipment.

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